Thank you to Carni Sostenibili
Thank you to Carni Sostenibili for this interesting article speaking about our product Anavrin and #sustainability and #methane reduction in ruminants "In Italy too, something is moving, thanks to a product that is the result of a combination of natural substances,...
Big success today for the presentation of our product Anavrin in Fiere Zootecniche Internazionali di Cremona
Special thanks to Prof. Carlo Sgoifo Rossi and Prof. Alberto Stanislao Atzori for the excellent presentations and to our customers and friends who have partecipated to the event.
Anavrin® at the Cremona International Zootechnical Exhibitions
Anavrin® at the Cremona International Zootechnical Exhibitions ⬆️ Increased production performance ✅ ⬇️ Decreased methane emissions ✅ ⬇️ Reduction of ingested dry substance ✅ ⬆️Improvement of animal welfare✅ Come and visit us Hall 2 Booth...
Cremona International Zootechnical Fairs
Vetos Europe will be present at the Cremona International Zootechnical Fairs from 1 to 3 December to present and illustrate the characteristics of our new natural product Anavrin. Come and visit us! Pavilion 2 Booth 17
Vetos Europe will be present at the Cremona International Livestock Fairs
Vetos Europe will be present at the Cremona International Livestock Fairs from 1st to 3rd December to present and illustrate the characteristics of our new natural product Anavrin®️. Come and visit us! Hall 2 Stand 17.
Cremona International Livestock Exhibitions
Vetos Europe is pleased to invite you to the conference that will be held on December 2, 2022 at 4.30 pm on the occasion of the Cremona International Livestock Exhibitions at the Cristofori Room. The speakers Prof. Carlo Sgoifo Rossi, Professor at the University of...
Uruguay announced few days ago the emission of the first sovereign climate sustanably
Uruguay announced few days ago the emission of the first sovereign climate sustanably linked bond (1.5 billion Usd) confirming to be one of the most attentive countries in the world to the climatechange and sustainability. Anavrin is present in Uruguay since several...
L’équipe de Phibro Animal Health Europe a visité aujourd’hui l’usine en Suisse où nous produisons RelyOn
Merci d'être venu Arnout Dekker, Yves Baetens, Jim Cairns, Julian Sander, Henco Splinter. Nous sommes impatients de démarrer ensemble des affaires rentables en Europe.
Bloomberg News
Bloomberg News : Vetos Europe en collaboration avec Phibro Animal Health pour réduire les émissions de méthane du bétail dans le monde. Lire la suite:...
EFA News – European Food Agency
Interview très intéressante sur EFA News - Agence alimentaire européenne au professeur Carlo Sgoifo Rossi de l' Università degli Studi di Milano parlant de notre produit Anavrin® comme l'une des solutions les plus efficaces actuellement sur le marché international...
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6593 Cadenazzo – Svizzera
+4191 9106370