
ANAVRIN is a blend of essential oils, tannins and bioflovanoids, natural and nature-identical substances which have been carefully selected to support and improve the ruminal function.

Essential oils play an important role in the growth cynetics of certain bacteria.
Tannins have positive effects on protein metabolism and are anti-inflammatory.
Bioflovanoids act as anti-oxidants.

By keeping a stable ruminal environment by controlling the growth of bacteria, ANAVRIN helps to improve ruminants’ zoo-technical performance.

The loss of energy caused by the natural production of methane during the digestion of starch and fibre is a major economic factor both for dairy farmers and meat producers as well as for the environment.

University studies and field studies have confirmed that ANAVRIN can be one of concrete solution which nutritionists and cattle breeders can use to improve the performance of animals in terms of yield, while, more importantly, reducing the methane emissions responsible for global warming*.

* Dependent on animal age and health, breed, feed regime, farm condition .