Bloomberg News

Bloomberg News

Bloomberg News : Vetos Europe in collaboration with Phibro Animal Health to reduce methane emission in livestock worldwide. Read more:

EFA News – European Food Agency

EFA News – European Food Agency

Very interesting interview on EFA News - European Food Agency to Prof. Carlo Sgoifo Rossi of the Università degli Studi di Milano speaking about our product Anavrin® as one of the more efficient solutions actually on the international market to...

ANAVRIN® Performance on meat production

ANAVRIN® Performance on meat production

ANAVRIN® Performance on meat production: bodyweight ⬆️ DMI ⬇️ Morbidity & respiratory disease ⬇️ ANAVRIN vs MONENSIN ↕️

ANAVRIN® Performance on milk production

ANAVRIN® Performance on milk production

ANAVRIN® Performance on milk production. ⬆️ + 1.5 Lit/head/day ⬆️ FCR ⬇️ DMI ⬇️ Somatic cells Full data available on Animals MDPI


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* Dependent on animal age and health, breed, feed regime, farm condition .