Anavrin RelyOn the future is now !

Anavrin RelyOn the future is now !

The new technology developed by Metha AI based on Artificial Intelligence to decrease cows methane emission confirmed the efficiency of our product Anavrin RelyOn distribuited by Phibro Animal Health ⬇️ -13% methane emission reduction in avarage on 9 farms ⬇️ - 21%...

Our product is available in several markets around the world

Our product is available in several markets around the world

Our product is available in several markets around the world distributed by Phibro Animal Health under private label RelyOn Check Phibro website to keep contact with a Phibro representative in your region. New markets coming soon. ➡️

Together we can keep 1.5°C within reach

Together we can keep 1.5°C within reach

Together we can keep 1.5°C within reach COP28 will be a milestone moment for unit, act and deliver. The Innovation Commission for Climate Change, Food Security, and Agriculture and the COP28 Presidency have identified seven innovation areas with evidence-based...

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* Dependent on animal age and health, breed, feed regime, farm condition .